Вертеп для юних глядачів (Театр вдома)

Participation in the Annual Creativity Pioneers Unconference
The Annual Creativity Pioneers Unconference took place in Milan, October 14-18. This year the event joined participants from 58 countries.

Audio-visual Performance The Rivers
On October 10, the audio-visual performance The Rivers took place Sveinung Nigaard (Norway) - guitar and harp
lllia Hergul (Ukraine) - guitar, bass and synthesiser
Viktor Onyshchenko (Ukraine) - painting and video

From 11 to 18 August 2024, the international youth exchange Erasmus+ (Ukraine - Norway) of the Laboratory of Creative Works project took place in Norway.

The new performance PAPIR was presented in July 2024

We Create the World
У квітні 2024 ми завершили роботу над проєктом “Ми творимо світ”, що об’єднав родини з дітьми із Семенівського району, Новоселівки та Київської області, що переїхали до Чернігова, а також родини з Чернігова. Проєкт реалізовується за фінансової підтримки «Culture Helps / Культура допомагає» — проєкту, що співфінансується Європейським Союзом у межах спеціального конкурсу пропозицій для підтримки українських переміщених осіб та українського культурного та креативного секторів. Проєкт реалізовується Інша Освіта (UA) та
zusa (DE).

YOUTH DRAMA THEATRE "AmaTea" Youth Drama Theater "AmaTea" was founded in 2006 as an independent theater, and since 2013 AmaTea has been operating as a non-governmental organization.
The concept of the organization is to create cross-cultural and educational projects; to use the means of art in general and theater in particular to strengthen and develop the community.
The Head of NGO and the director of the theatre is Olena Rosstalna
Laboratory of Creative Ideas
The project combines creative writing, storytelling, visualization, and animation. We learn how to write, create and tell stories, as well as make our own animations
Art and Media Hub
The project, implemented jointly with the Galagan Chernihiv Regional Art Museum, combines an online educational platform with a physical multicultural space operating in the museum
Theatre Class
The project combines master classes in theater pedagogy and acting, regular classes for young people, and the creation of performances. We currently have Drama in English group
Trainings and Workshops

Performances of Youth Drama Theatre "AmaTea"
Over the years, the theater has created more than 30 performances based on works by Western European and Ukrainian playwrights (O. Wilde, J. B. Priestley, J. Anouilh, L. Francini, Y. Mishima, S. Mrozek, M. Maeterlinck, and others). Several performances created in the premises of Halahan Chernihiv Regional Art Museum and the Tarnovskyi Chernihiv Regional History Museum are united in the art project "Theater in the Museum."

Tales of an Old Suitcase
In 2013, the creative project Tales of an Old Suitcase was created for children's audiences. The repertoire includes more than twenty interactive performances for the whole family based on the best works of world children's literature (Tove Jansson, Rudyard Kipling, John Tolkien, George Harris and others) and stories that we have invented ourselves.
The authors of the project are Olena Rosstalna and Oleh Honchar